Monday, September 28, 2009

RJA#6a: Periodical Articles

This website has so many great periodical articles that I will probably use for my research!

  • Prospector
  • Single sex education
  • Articles
  • September 28th 2009
  • 100 hits
  • I give everyone of these articles or most of them a 5.



RJA#6b: Search Strings

I will be keeping my search strings because the comments i received liked how my search are and they thought they were done right!

Monday, September 21, 2009

RJA#5c: Search String Check

RJA#5b: Books

I found a great book that our library holds:

Bracey, G. W. "The Success of Single-Sex Education Is Still Unproven." EDUCATION DIGEST. 72. 6 (2007): 22-26.

  • I used the Auraria book search.
  • single sex education
  • I typed in many different keywords until I found this book.
  • 9/21/09
  • 5,213
  • I looked around until I found a book that I liked and thought would be a good one to use so I give this book a 5.
I also learned that females and males learn in different ways and they are better at different subjects. This is great new info because now I found more books and articles to further my research.

RJA#5a: Reference Articles

I used almost every website and found great information and articles for my research.

One article I found is:

"coeducation." The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia.
© 1994, 2000-2006, on Infoplease.
© 2000–2007 Pearson Education, publishing as Infoplease.
21 Sep. 2009 .

  • I used the Encyclopedia ( link.
  • I used my key word coeducation
  • To find out exactly what coeducation is.
  • 9/21/09
  • 120 hits
  • I give this info a 5 because i can no explain what coeducation is exactly.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

RJA#4c: Checking Research Questions

RJA#4a: Generating Key Terms

Is single sex education better then coeducation?

*forms (FO) single sex, education , coeducation
terms (REST) same sex, learning, intermediate
equal, schooling,

*Education-single sex schools and classes

RJA#4b: Writing Search Strings

*Single sex education OR coeducation
*Single sex schools or classes

Search Engine Math
*Education + single sex and coeducation
*Single education + advantages

Thursday, September 3, 2009

RSJ#3c: Developing Research Question

*Is single sex education better then coeducation?
*Is single sex education better for children and do men and women learn better together?
*Should all public and private schools have some singles sex education to better their students?

RSJ#3b: Narrowing Research Topic

I don't think I need to narrow down my topic. With my topic now I can find tons of information and my topic still isn't to broad.

RSJ#3a: Exploring Research Topic

I used the google search engine and typed in a variety of questions about my topic. I found many new information and I added all the great websites to my Delicious account.

I found out that public schools are coeducation and that it seems like it the right way to learn because of equality. How ever it is proven that young girls and boys learn differently because their brains are different. I also found a lot of information i already knew. For instance I already knew that a lot of research is being to better all types of schools and also that public schools now are trying out single sex education. Lastly I found lots of pros and cons for both single sex education as wells as for coeducation.