Sunday, August 30, 2009

RJA#2b:Research Topic

For this semester I will be reading, writing, and researching about if men and women learn better together or separate. I chose this topic because I am interested in finding out if there is an actual answer. Also there has been a lot of research that has been done to try to determine an answer and that will really help me for this argumentative essay.
All around the United States they’re many types of schools that are just females and just males. Even in my high school they had classes you could take that were one sex classes. I feel like I would learn better in a single sex class because I wouldn’t have any distractions and I would learn easier.
I really have no idea if men and women would learn easier and more if they were in single sex classes and schools and that is why I chose this topic. Now I will read about all the research that has been done about this theory and make my own opinion, because who knows the single sex environment might even be worse for students

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