Thursday, October 22, 2009

RJA #10b: Argument

Claim: When children are younger they need to be in a single sex environment.
1: Males and females learn differently
2: Males and females have stronger areas of intelligence
3: Children need to exceed in all areas before they socially learn together.

RJA #10a: Thesis Statement

Research Question: Is single sex education better than coeducation?

Claim: When children are younger they need to be in a single sex environment.

1: Males and females learn differently
2: Males and females have stronger areas of intelligence
3: Children need to exceed in all areas before they socially learn together.

Complete Thesis Statement: Young children need to be in a single sex environment because they learn differently, they have stronger areas of development and they need to succeed as early as possible.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #9

Article #1: gaer, Eva Van de, Heidi Pustjens, Jan Van Damme, and Agnes De Munter. "Effects of Single-Sex Versus Co-Educational Classes and Schools on Gender Differences in Progress in Language and Mathematics Achievement." British Journal of Sociology of Education. 25. 3 (2004): 307-322.

Article #2: Brutsaert, H, and M Van Houtte. "Girls' and Boys' Sense of Belonging in Single-Sex Versus Co-Educational Schools." Research in Education. 68 (2002): 48.

Website #1: What Are the Advantages of Single Sex Education?
The Pendulum Has Swung
By Robert Kennedy,

Website #2:

Book #1

Extra Credit Assignment #1

My Zakta Guide

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Internet Research Project

Everyone seems to be familiar with google so i would like to compare to google. Like google you can search the web, images, videos and shopping. Unlike google has a job tab and research tab, these are great tabs for a website. searches all the great search engines like google, yahoo, bing, ask and about. These search engines are the top of the line and I think that is a smart for using these search engines. can be looked at in different languages and has a place where it helps you figure out how to research things and how to use key words. I don't think that has and disadvantages, it's a small search engine website that is creditable great website and I will use it again for other research.

RJA #8c: Multimedia

  • single sex education, co education
  • single sex education versus co education, single sex education or co education
  • 7 hits
  • 2

RJA #8b: Social Media

  • single sex education, co education
  • single sex education versus co education, single sex education or co education
  • October 8 2009
  • 27 hits
  • 2

  • Technorati
  • single sex education, co education
  • single sex education versus co education, single sex education or co education
  • October 8 2009
  • 13 hits
  • 2

RJA #8a: Websites

  • single sex education, co education
  • single sex education or co education, single sex education versus co education
  • October 8 2009
  • 7,880,000
  • 3

  • single sex education, co education
  • single sew education versus co education, single sex education or co education
  • October 8 2008
  • didn't say
  • 4

Thursday, October 1, 2009

RJA#7c: Field Research Plan

For my field research I plan to interview a teachers thoughts on single sex education verses co education. Also I would like to interview someone who has had learned in both environments and ask them their thoughts on which one they thought was a better learning environment and why. I will ask both people who I interview their thoughts and then I will ask follow up questions depending on how they respond.

RJA #7b: Internet Research Tool Test

I was assigned to I played around on this website found out to use it and and researched my topic a little bit. I found some great websites that I might use for some of my research.

Pros and Cons Website

  • Single sex education or co education
  • I used and just searched the web part.
  • October 1st 2009
  • About 72 hits
  • I give this website a four.

Single-Sex Versus Coeducational Schooling:
A Systematic Review

  • Single sex education or co education
  • I used and searched the web part.
  • October 1st 2009
  • About 72 hits
  • This website has a lot of good information so I give this website a 5.

RJA #7a: Internet Research Tools

Google is the search engine that mostly use. I like this search engine because it is very easy and quick for me to use, also google has many hits on whatever I am researching. I also use google to search for images and I have recently learned that google has a lot if different ways you can research things. I sometimes use ask, yahoo or AOL but i feel that google gives me what I am looking for.