Thursday, October 22, 2009

RJA #10a: Thesis Statement

Research Question: Is single sex education better than coeducation?

Claim: When children are younger they need to be in a single sex environment.

1: Males and females learn differently
2: Males and females have stronger areas of intelligence
3: Children need to exceed in all areas before they socially learn together.

Complete Thesis Statement: Young children need to be in a single sex environment because they learn differently, they have stronger areas of development and they need to succeed as early as possible.


  1. You followed the guidelines and I can't think of any way to improve...good job.

  2. I think that's a good thesis statement and you clearly identify what you are going to talk about throughout your paper.Good job!

  3. Great thesis statement I would just word it differently so it would flow a little easier. I would say:
    Children learn differently based on gender therefor should be in a same sex environment. If this were to happen they would have a greater chance in succeeding in all areas of life....

    I know i'm bad at criticism. Not that your thesis is bad by any means but thats just how I would work it... :)
