Monday, November 30, 2009

RJA #14: Annotated Bibliography, Part 2

"Single Sex Education." Single Sex Educaiton. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Fourth Edition ed. N.p.: n.p., 2009. N. pag. The Free Dictionary. Web. 22 Nov. 2009.
This cite is where I found a definition to single sex education which was same-sex. This definition was important for my paper becasue I talk about it through out it.

"Single Sex Education." Single Sex Educaction. Collins English Dictionary. Complete and Unabridged 6th Edition ed. N.p.: n.p., 2003. N. pag. The Free Dictionary. Web. 22 Nov. 2009.
I found the definition for single sex education on this cite as well, they definded it as admitting members of one sex only: not coeducation.

"Coeducation." Coeducation. Random House ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Web. 22 Nov. 2009.>.
This cite is also where i found a definition and it was for coeducation.

Schizopherenia N.p., 27 Aug. 2007. Web. 22 Nov. 2009.
I found a picture on this cite of a young child's brain. This brain shows areas of the brain and what they do. This was great for my paper because it helped show what I was talking about when I explaining the differences between men and woman's brains as well as boys and girls brains.

Diamond, Marian . New Horizons for Learning New Horizons for Learning, Sept. 2003. Web. 22 Nov. 2009. .
The was an awesome website it had tons of great information about how and why the males and females brains are different.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

RJA #13b: Annotated Bibliography, Part 1

  1. Jossey-Bass Inc. The Jossey-Bass Reader on Gender in Education. The Jossey-Bass education series. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002. This is a book about how gender has to do with education. I believe that this is a very creditable source for my argument.
  2. Harker, Richard. "Achievement, Gender, and the Single-Sex/Coed Debate." British Journal of Sociology of Education. 21. 2 (2000): 203-18. This source is an article. The article is a debate about the achievements of both the genders for both coeducation and single sex education.

RJA #13a: Field Research Report

I have not yet done my field research, however i plan to interview one of my co workers and her daughter. They have both have experienced coeducation school as well as single sex education. I plan to ask questions like which type was better for them and why? Also depending how they answer that question I then will ask them follow up questions and any other questions that come up.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

RJA #12c: Introduction Check

Comment #1 Sofia
Comment #2 Ali

RJA #12b: Presentation Plan

I will fist talk about background information, then I will include pictures, my thesis statement exactly what I am talking about in my paper, and then which side I am on.

RJA #12a: Progress Report

My progress for my argumentative paper has been great so far. I finally have narrowed down my topic and have come up with a thesis statement. I still need to find a couple more references and need to start writing my paper. I also need to find visual aids for my paper and figure out how to corporate them into my paper.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

RJA #11c: Thesis Statement Check–

Comment #1
Comment #2

RJA #11b: Visual Aids–

  • Chart of how many young children go to single sex schools
  • Graph of test scores from each single sex schools and coeducational schools
  • Graph showing how many single schools there are and how many coeducational schools there are.
  • A score sheet for showing where boys and girls are stronger in different areas.
  • A pie graph of what peoples opinions are on which learning environment is better.

RJA #11a: Introduction–


  • Children should exceed at as best they can when there young! At an early age they should be in a single sex environment. Later on in middle school high school and college they will get there social experienced and be an all around well educated adult.
  • My three reasons
  • My thesis statement.