Thursday, December 3, 2009

RJA #15b: Reflection on What You Learned

I have learned a lot this semester! I have learned how to use blogs, do research and lots of other things on the computer! This class seemed fun and interesting however I had lots of trouble writing my paper. I think that we should have been writing it all semester one piece at a time and turning it in and correcting it. Over all I enjoyed this class and I got a lot out of it I just think that maybe we should have focused more on the paper itself all semester then the research!

RJA #15a: Word Cloud


Monday, November 30, 2009

RJA #14: Annotated Bibliography, Part 2

"Single Sex Education." Single Sex Educaiton. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Fourth Edition ed. N.p.: n.p., 2009. N. pag. The Free Dictionary. Web. 22 Nov. 2009.
This cite is where I found a definition to single sex education which was same-sex. This definition was important for my paper becasue I talk about it through out it.

"Single Sex Education." Single Sex Educaction. Collins English Dictionary. Complete and Unabridged 6th Edition ed. N.p.: n.p., 2003. N. pag. The Free Dictionary. Web. 22 Nov. 2009.
I found the definition for single sex education on this cite as well, they definded it as admitting members of one sex only: not coeducation.

"Coeducation." Coeducation. Random House ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Web. 22 Nov. 2009.>.
This cite is also where i found a definition and it was for coeducation.

Schizopherenia N.p., 27 Aug. 2007. Web. 22 Nov. 2009.
I found a picture on this cite of a young child's brain. This brain shows areas of the brain and what they do. This was great for my paper because it helped show what I was talking about when I explaining the differences between men and woman's brains as well as boys and girls brains.

Diamond, Marian . New Horizons for Learning New Horizons for Learning, Sept. 2003. Web. 22 Nov. 2009. .
The was an awesome website it had tons of great information about how and why the males and females brains are different.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

RJA #13b: Annotated Bibliography, Part 1

  1. Jossey-Bass Inc. The Jossey-Bass Reader on Gender in Education. The Jossey-Bass education series. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002. This is a book about how gender has to do with education. I believe that this is a very creditable source for my argument.
  2. Harker, Richard. "Achievement, Gender, and the Single-Sex/Coed Debate." British Journal of Sociology of Education. 21. 2 (2000): 203-18. This source is an article. The article is a debate about the achievements of both the genders for both coeducation and single sex education.

RJA #13a: Field Research Report

I have not yet done my field research, however i plan to interview one of my co workers and her daughter. They have both have experienced coeducation school as well as single sex education. I plan to ask questions like which type was better for them and why? Also depending how they answer that question I then will ask them follow up questions and any other questions that come up.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

RJA #12c: Introduction Check

Comment #1 Sofia
Comment #2 Ali

RJA #12b: Presentation Plan

I will fist talk about background information, then I will include pictures, my thesis statement exactly what I am talking about in my paper, and then which side I am on.

RJA #12a: Progress Report

My progress for my argumentative paper has been great so far. I finally have narrowed down my topic and have come up with a thesis statement. I still need to find a couple more references and need to start writing my paper. I also need to find visual aids for my paper and figure out how to corporate them into my paper.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

RJA #11c: Thesis Statement Check–

Comment #1
Comment #2

RJA #11b: Visual Aids–

  • Chart of how many young children go to single sex schools
  • Graph of test scores from each single sex schools and coeducational schools
  • Graph showing how many single schools there are and how many coeducational schools there are.
  • A score sheet for showing where boys and girls are stronger in different areas.
  • A pie graph of what peoples opinions are on which learning environment is better.

RJA #11a: Introduction–


  • Children should exceed at as best they can when there young! At an early age they should be in a single sex environment. Later on in middle school high school and college they will get there social experienced and be an all around well educated adult.
  • My three reasons
  • My thesis statement.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

RJA #10b: Argument

Claim: When children are younger they need to be in a single sex environment.
1: Males and females learn differently
2: Males and females have stronger areas of intelligence
3: Children need to exceed in all areas before they socially learn together.

RJA #10a: Thesis Statement

Research Question: Is single sex education better than coeducation?

Claim: When children are younger they need to be in a single sex environment.

1: Males and females learn differently
2: Males and females have stronger areas of intelligence
3: Children need to exceed in all areas before they socially learn together.

Complete Thesis Statement: Young children need to be in a single sex environment because they learn differently, they have stronger areas of development and they need to succeed as early as possible.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #9

Article #1: gaer, Eva Van de, Heidi Pustjens, Jan Van Damme, and Agnes De Munter. "Effects of Single-Sex Versus Co-Educational Classes and Schools on Gender Differences in Progress in Language and Mathematics Achievement." British Journal of Sociology of Education. 25. 3 (2004): 307-322.

Article #2: Brutsaert, H, and M Van Houtte. "Girls' and Boys' Sense of Belonging in Single-Sex Versus Co-Educational Schools." Research in Education. 68 (2002): 48.

Website #1: What Are the Advantages of Single Sex Education?
The Pendulum Has Swung
By Robert Kennedy,

Website #2:

Book #1

Extra Credit Assignment #1

My Zakta Guide

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Internet Research Project

Everyone seems to be familiar with google so i would like to compare to google. Like google you can search the web, images, videos and shopping. Unlike google has a job tab and research tab, these are great tabs for a website. searches all the great search engines like google, yahoo, bing, ask and about. These search engines are the top of the line and I think that is a smart for using these search engines. can be looked at in different languages and has a place where it helps you figure out how to research things and how to use key words. I don't think that has and disadvantages, it's a small search engine website that is creditable great website and I will use it again for other research.

RJA #8c: Multimedia

  • single sex education, co education
  • single sex education versus co education, single sex education or co education
  • 7 hits
  • 2

RJA #8b: Social Media

  • single sex education, co education
  • single sex education versus co education, single sex education or co education
  • October 8 2009
  • 27 hits
  • 2

  • Technorati
  • single sex education, co education
  • single sex education versus co education, single sex education or co education
  • October 8 2009
  • 13 hits
  • 2

RJA #8a: Websites

  • single sex education, co education
  • single sex education or co education, single sex education versus co education
  • October 8 2009
  • 7,880,000
  • 3

  • single sex education, co education
  • single sew education versus co education, single sex education or co education
  • October 8 2008
  • didn't say
  • 4

Thursday, October 1, 2009

RJA#7c: Field Research Plan

For my field research I plan to interview a teachers thoughts on single sex education verses co education. Also I would like to interview someone who has had learned in both environments and ask them their thoughts on which one they thought was a better learning environment and why. I will ask both people who I interview their thoughts and then I will ask follow up questions depending on how they respond.

RJA #7b: Internet Research Tool Test

I was assigned to I played around on this website found out to use it and and researched my topic a little bit. I found some great websites that I might use for some of my research.

Pros and Cons Website

  • Single sex education or co education
  • I used and just searched the web part.
  • October 1st 2009
  • About 72 hits
  • I give this website a four.

Single-Sex Versus Coeducational Schooling:
A Systematic Review

  • Single sex education or co education
  • I used and searched the web part.
  • October 1st 2009
  • About 72 hits
  • This website has a lot of good information so I give this website a 5.

RJA #7a: Internet Research Tools

Google is the search engine that mostly use. I like this search engine because it is very easy and quick for me to use, also google has many hits on whatever I am researching. I also use google to search for images and I have recently learned that google has a lot if different ways you can research things. I sometimes use ask, yahoo or AOL but i feel that google gives me what I am looking for.

Monday, September 28, 2009

RJA#6a: Periodical Articles

This website has so many great periodical articles that I will probably use for my research!

  • Prospector
  • Single sex education
  • Articles
  • September 28th 2009
  • 100 hits
  • I give everyone of these articles or most of them a 5.



RJA#6b: Search Strings

I will be keeping my search strings because the comments i received liked how my search are and they thought they were done right!

Monday, September 21, 2009

RJA#5c: Search String Check

RJA#5b: Books

I found a great book that our library holds:

Bracey, G. W. "The Success of Single-Sex Education Is Still Unproven." EDUCATION DIGEST. 72. 6 (2007): 22-26.

  • I used the Auraria book search.
  • single sex education
  • I typed in many different keywords until I found this book.
  • 9/21/09
  • 5,213
  • I looked around until I found a book that I liked and thought would be a good one to use so I give this book a 5.
I also learned that females and males learn in different ways and they are better at different subjects. This is great new info because now I found more books and articles to further my research.

RJA#5a: Reference Articles

I used almost every website and found great information and articles for my research.

One article I found is:

"coeducation." The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia.
© 1994, 2000-2006, on Infoplease.
© 2000–2007 Pearson Education, publishing as Infoplease.
21 Sep. 2009 .

  • I used the Encyclopedia ( link.
  • I used my key word coeducation
  • To find out exactly what coeducation is.
  • 9/21/09
  • 120 hits
  • I give this info a 5 because i can no explain what coeducation is exactly.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

RJA#4c: Checking Research Questions

RJA#4a: Generating Key Terms

Is single sex education better then coeducation?

*forms (FO) single sex, education , coeducation
terms (REST) same sex, learning, intermediate
equal, schooling,

*Education-single sex schools and classes

RJA#4b: Writing Search Strings

*Single sex education OR coeducation
*Single sex schools or classes

Search Engine Math
*Education + single sex and coeducation
*Single education + advantages

Thursday, September 3, 2009

RSJ#3c: Developing Research Question

*Is single sex education better then coeducation?
*Is single sex education better for children and do men and women learn better together?
*Should all public and private schools have some singles sex education to better their students?

RSJ#3b: Narrowing Research Topic

I don't think I need to narrow down my topic. With my topic now I can find tons of information and my topic still isn't to broad.

RSJ#3a: Exploring Research Topic

I used the google search engine and typed in a variety of questions about my topic. I found many new information and I added all the great websites to my Delicious account.

I found out that public schools are coeducation and that it seems like it the right way to learn because of equality. How ever it is proven that young girls and boys learn differently because their brains are different. I also found a lot of information i already knew. For instance I already knew that a lot of research is being to better all types of schools and also that public schools now are trying out single sex education. Lastly I found lots of pros and cons for both single sex education as wells as for coeducation.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

RJA#2c:Delicious Account

my delicious account

RJA#2b:Research Topic

For this semester I will be reading, writing, and researching about if men and women learn better together or separate. I chose this topic because I am interested in finding out if there is an actual answer. Also there has been a lot of research that has been done to try to determine an answer and that will really help me for this argumentative essay.
All around the United States they’re many types of schools that are just females and just males. Even in my high school they had classes you could take that were one sex classes. I feel like I would learn better in a single sex class because I wouldn’t have any distractions and I would learn easier.
I really have no idea if men and women would learn easier and more if they were in single sex classes and schools and that is why I chose this topic. Now I will read about all the research that has been done about this theory and make my own opinion, because who knows the single sex environment might even be worse for students

RJA#2a:Possible Topics

  • Should high school students have to take a standardized test to receive a diploma to improve educational achievement?
  • Do men and women learn better when they're in separate schools ans classrooms?
  • Should we increase sex education in schools?
  • Should teachers be able to diagnose children with add or adhd?

I have chosen the topic do men and women learn better when they're in separate schools and classrooms?

Thursday, August 20, 2009


  • Animals
  • Children
  • Biology
  • Math